Recently, I decided that I needed to change up my daily quiet times and do a personal Bible study. (Read: I need some discipline in this area :)) I love studying scripture and found myself wanting to be challenged. So, I went on a search for a study that I felt would be beneficial to me. I ended up getting Beth Moore's study "Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only" .
I couldn't have picked a better study at a better time in my life! Especially with the holidays around the corner. I guess I should confess that holidays have felt and seem less important than they did when I was younger. I truly love this time of the year but some where over the years I have lost the wonderment of it all! I don't want to just go through the motions anymore. (Yep, a song just popped into my head... Matthew West "The Motions"...if you were here while I am writing this you would hear me sing it!:) )
I am day five into my challenge and I can already tell that this is going to be huge for me! Please pray with me that I will be changed and challenged greatly through this time. What can I pray for you about during the holidays?
March 29, 2024
5 months ago
i gotta be honest: i've never been a devotional/workbook girl. and beth moore studies in particular overwhelm/intimidate/bother me. (oops!) but it sounds like you've already gotten so much out of it. that's so great! i'd love to hear some nuggets from your study.
what can you pray for me about during the holidays? not sure how to put words to this exactly, but... consistency. my year has been so up and down and this emotional roller coaster has gotten really old. it's tiring going from extreme joys to deep sadness. i understand that it's part of the grieving process, but i NEED some more consistency in my life. i need to be more sober-minded and even in temperament. i don't want to be tossed about by my circumstances, but desire to remain anchored in Him no matter what comes my way or what (holi)day it is. so yeah. i'd appreciate your prayers for that! ;)
Alece ~ I fully understand not wanting to do anything with Beth Moore! Her stuff can be very overwhelming and I think that's one reason why I have yet to finish any of her studies! :) But this one is a short 10 minute at the most daily devotional and that has been good for me and my ADD mind.
I will definitely be praying for you and wanting consistency in your life again. I hope to blog some more this week on what I am learning. Your prayer request has me examining my own need for that as well...long story... I will email you about it! :)
every day, a little bit more...
marc in calgary
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