The title of the post is a statement (or quote) from the show One Tree Hill. It's a statement that has stuck with me for a while. I have had a year of transition within my friendships. I had to let one friendship go (which was not easy but necessary and proved to be a great decision) and out of that came several new friendships and a closer friendship with my best friend Amy that I cherish deeply.
One of the new friendships I developed is my with my best friend Jamie.
He told me on Monday is he moving! He will be moving back to Nashville. It's a great move for him and I am very excited for this opportunity. He loves the Lord and is going to be able to do ministry full time. Working with guys that have been through similar situations he has been through. (Maybe soon I will be able to share his story here...of course with his permission!) A few weeks ago I had a conversation with him about how I am just getting to the point in my friendships with him, Amy (my other best friend) and a couple of other friends where I feel that I can be more vulnerable and that they will love me despite my faults, decisions, and my sometimes craziness. (Yes, I have times of craziness!) While talking to Jamie about this I told him it was hard to open up b/c "people always leave". I knew he would be moving at some point and I was cheating myself out of a deeper friendship with him because of my fear that when he moved he wouldn't want to be friends anymore. Which of course is not true but insecurity and fear had set in.
I had to go to prayer.
It was the only way I knew how to over come the insecurities and fear. I needed to learn yet again to trust in the Lord with my whole heart.
I have had other friends move before. Close, dear friends that I wish I could go and have a cup of coffee with weekly. And of course, I have been the one to leave as well.
(Oh how I wish I could travel to each place that my close friends live! I would be in Switzerland one week, Oregon, LA and of course Nashville the following weeks!)
It's not an easy thing to watch a friend move but, I am excited for Jamie. This is a great opportunity for him! And yes, for the record I will be sad for a bit. But that's okay right?
March 29, 2024
5 months ago
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